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Snapshots of the
White Creek Railroad

The photo album documents the railroad's various stages of development through its 31 year history.

White Creek Railroad Media Album  
Check out our chronologically arranged album, starting with the most recent event media first. You'll find snapshots, movies, or documents pertaining to train meets, rolling stock, construction techniques, locomotives, and friends and family of the railroad. Click to enlarge the media item or view other related media. You may also use the news archive to see media during a particular time frame here.
Nearly Finished Mon. Jul 17, 1995
Russ, Troy, and Mike work in the unusually hot and humid 100° F heat to complete the trestle.
Updated: 9/1/2001
Trestle Three Construction Sat. Jul 8, 1995
Russ starts the construction of Trestle Three, just north of Hidden Valley Yard.
Updated: 9/1/2001
Reed Lake Division - North Section Started Mon. Jun 12, 1995
Work begins on the northern leg of the Reed Lake Division.
Updated: 9/1/2001
Sunshine Turnaround Mon. Jun 12, 1995
Dozer cuts an area for the Sunshine turnaround loop just east of Russ and Mara's home.
Updated: 9/1/2001
Mirror Lake Station Beginning Thur. May 25, 1995
Russ, Mike and Troy begin building Mirror Lake Station.
Updated: 8/25/2001
Shingles Thur. May 25, 1995
After work was cut short due to a rain storm, the guys are back the following day to finish the job.
Updated: 8/25/2001
Roof Goes On Thur. May 25, 1995
Troy hammers away.
Updated: 8/25/2001
Hidden Valley Yard Beginning Mon. May 22, 1995
The Hidden Valley Yard has its beginnings as a turnaround "Y".
Updated: 8/25/2001
Ballasting - The Right Way Mon. Mar 6, 1995
Custom built ballasting equipment expedite the process of ballasting miles of track.
Updated: 9/1/2001
Ballasting - The Long Way Mon. Mar 6, 1995
Russ shovels ballast from the tractor bucket.
Updated: 9/1/2001
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